Newsletter Term 4, Week 8 2022

Dear SJC Families and Friends

I would like to start by addressing the announcement that was made on Monday last that I will be leaving the College in a short number of weeks.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at SJC over the last six years and until late October, all of my energies were focused on leading the school during 2023 to help make it an even better year than the previous six.  I was alerted to the position by a friend of mine in Brisbane and decided late during the recruitment process to apply.  As I have said to the many students and staff who have simply asked “Why?”, I see this as a great opportunity to continue my employment journey in a different system and bigger school.  It will be a very steep learning curve but one I am looking forward to.  I have always encouraged students to make the most of the opportunities that are available to them and so, in a way, I am actioning what I preach. 

Thanks to those who have wished me all the best.  Whilst I cease to be principal of St Joeys, I will remain a parent of this great school and look forward to witnessing the continued successes that it will deliver.  This time for me is of course very bittersweet as I deal with the excitement of commencing a new role as Deputy Principal at St Joseph's Nudgee College, and the guilt of leaving a place in which I have been heavily invested and will miss dearly. 

I had the first of a number of handover meetings with Mr Peter McLoughlin who will fill the role of College Principal for 2023.  Peter has been blessed to be able to gauge how the school is tracking in his role of Acting Director - Regional Service Leaders during 2022.  He said to me that he is keen to maintain the current trajectory of the College in the areas of mission, well-being, culture and learning and teaching.  During 2023, the Catholic Schools Office will commence a rigorous recruitment process to find a more permanent replacement who will commence in 2024. 

I look forward to setting the school up for every success in 2023 and will address the College in the weeks to come as my departure approaches. 

Kind regards

Mr Scott Thomson

Vaping: Why is it Attractive?

Young people can be drawn to vaping for a number of different reasons including peer pressure, accessibility and affordability, the belief that vaping is harmless and curiosity.  Sometimes a family member who vapes can also influence children and young people to try vaping.

This short video (below) provides some insights into why vaping is attractive to young people and is important viewing before parents and carers use the conversation starters at home.

Conversation Starters

Be ready to have these conversations with your child with a sense of calmness and interest in what they have to say.  Be ready to listen to their responses without jumping in too quickly to correct them.  Choose your timing wisely, perhaps during a relaxed moment at home, when driving somewhere together, or when no other stress or

  1. Why do you think more children and teens are vaping? Listen to understand. Your child may mention one of the reasons listed above or have another opinion.  This conversation starter opens the door to healthy dialogue.
  2. Could you confidently say no if you were offered a vape? How could you do this? Help your young person create an ‘exit plan’ if they are offered a vape.
  3. How do you think the person offering you the vape would react to you saying no? How might that make you feel about this friendship?

Now might be a good time to talk about what your child values in their friends.

Peer pressure can be powerful, so coming up with realistic action steps and practising them together in a safe environment will prepare and empower your child to make good choices when it matters.  Remind them that not everyone is vaping.  There are many young people making healthy choices to say no.

St Joseph’s College Christmas Appeal 2022

Christmas is the season for giving and we are excited to launch the St Joseph’s College Christmas Appeal 2022.  The two main charities we are supporting are St Vincent de Paul (Vinnies) and Parish Pantry (run by the St Joseph’s Parish).

Please take a few moments to read the details of the St Joseph's College Christmas Appeal 2022.  Your support will make a huge difference this Christmas.

Mr Eamon Brown
Assistant Principal - Mission


The College has been approached by Mr Mark Madden, Secretary of the Twin Towns Diggers Swimming Club (based at Oasis Pools Banora), regarding the Oasis Pools complex.

Mr Madden is seeking the support of the local school communities and residents in attending a public meeting to be held on Saturday 10 December from 10:00am.  Mr Madden has provided the following background:

Dear Principals of the Tweed

Like most users of the Oasis Pools complex at Banora Point & the wider community, your team & students would be feeling the effects and disappointment of the surprising & drastic closure of the pool complex by Twin Towns Services Club (TTSC).

Senior management of TTSC have closed the pool on the presumption that only option exists for the facility, a total demolition and reconstruction of an entirely new complex, at an astronomical $16 million which the Club, nor government (state & local) could fund & commit to, particularly within the next few years.

The facility has been examined by a number of independent pool construction & refurbishment specialists and alternatives have been offered to the senior management of TTSC, which have been bluntly rejected.  The pool complex is fixable within an achievable budget.

Myself and a number of other pool users, including the Twin Towns Diggers Swimming Club, have formed the Save Banora Point Action Group and a public meeting has been arranged in front of the Oasis Pools complex, Cub Banora on Saturday 10th December from 10am.

The Chairman of TTSC has been invited to address the meeting to outline:

  • Details of the assessment TTSC commissioned regarding the condition of the pool and options regarding its future operation.
  • Why the options outlined by other independent experts have been rejected, without serious consideration and discussion by the Board.
  • Is the Board committed to saving the pool?
  • What funds would TTSC be committed to provide to repair & reopen the pool in the current financial year and the next. What other offers of funding & in-kind support, has TTSC received by government (local, state & federal) or the wider community.
  • Are TTSC prepared to form a community consultative committee comprising user groups, aquatic facility experts and Board members to examine all options relating to the future of the pool complex.

I have been advised that these matters are being discussed at the next Board meeting of TTSC on the 1st December.

With regard to the Save Banora Pool public meeting we would appreciate local schools and other pool user groups, and the wider community to be made aware of this event and show their support for the cause by attending.  Promoting the meeting through your school newsletter would be greatly appreciated – see attached notice for details.  In addition, letters of support from schools for the reopening of the pool, would also be greatly appreciated and can be forwarded to my email address.

Just some background information on me.  I have been a resident of the Tweed & southern Gold Coast since December 2001.  I previously managed the Tweed Heads PCYC for 8.5 years and have spent over 30 years involved in the planning, construction, development and operation of community recreation facilities including Police Citizens Youth Clubs & aquatic facilities.

I am a former President of the Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club, I'm currently the Secretary of the Twin Towns Diggers Swimming Club (based at Oasis Pools Banora) and currently employed as Transport Manager with Volunteering Gold Coast Community Transport.

Feel free to forward any queries to this email address & I hope your school is willing to get involved & distribute news about our important public meeting on the 10th December.

Thank you
Mark Madden






Come Along, Lend your Support &

Get Active to Save our Wonderful Pool

& Community Facilities

Loving the Tweed